Code editor

You may use whichever code editor suits you, we don’t discriminate:

  • VSCode
  • PyCharm
  • vim
  • kate

Jump to the Donor sign-up page if you ran the ./ script from the Project setup.

HTTP client

You may use whichever HTTP client suits you, as long as you are comfortable making GET and POST requests with it.

Some popular examples are:

You can add httpie to requirements-dev.txt. To make use of environment variables needed for development we will be using the python-dotenv project.

cat >> requirements-dev.txt <<EOF

Install all the development requirements before we dive into coding

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Operating system

Again, whatever works for you, as long as you are able to:

  • set environment variables
  • start CLI applications

All code snippets and commands were tested on Linux and MacOS with their native terminal applications and shells. On Windows, GitBash was used as it mimics a *NIX style terminal application very well. Windows Subsystem for Linux was also reported to work just fine.